So religion, huh? It's formed the basis of so many decisions to date. Belief in the nature of the afterlife drove men to build pyramids and to redecorate Baghdadi marketplaces. On an extrapolated, general-society level, religion seems to cause more harm than good, because where mutually exclusive or arguably incorrect centrally-held core beliefs co-exist, there will be conflict.
But surely on the individual level religion provides the most hard-and-fast dieting regime, exercise routine, organisational skills-building program there is. Throw into that some semblance of a moral compass that on paper always points to 'N' for 'Nice', and you have the basis for wanting to indoctrinate all the world's children with your messages of peace and love. Coupled with the reward-punishment system that spruiks the 'Be Nice or Go To Hell' slogan, it's a value set that'll whip any fat, unfit, lazy and immoral person into a constructive member of a God-fearing society.
So one would argue having some basis by which to test one's moral standards is necessary, and it's at this juncture that I admit that I'm not a big fan of religion. On a global level, it does cause all those problems that are out there. Not intrinsically, but rather, through its application by those who seek to manipulate, religion provides a pious and self-righteous platform for the wicked to rule the Hell-fearing masses. For that reason, I have severe objections to imparting many teachings of any of the faiths on to just about anyone. For the sake of discussion, it's a great concept. But I'm not a huge fan of the tiny details of it all; how to cut the meat, what day to go to [house of worship] to optimise Heaven-points, whether or not to take the name of the Lord in vain.
So I maed a comic, ENJOY!
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